Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Well shoot whats up. Well i am one tired dude elder Guy person. My visa trip was bomb but, it was way long. I spent a total of 36 hours on a dang train going from Rostov all the way to Kiev Ukraine. But Kiev was the bomb and it was worth the trip. Cause i got to see the Kiev temple and it was the bomb. And i might or might have not been able to go to a session in it :) it was bomb. And it is now my fav temple its the bomb. So ya that was way fun and ill send you guys some pictures. Alright well now for the big news! Irina is getting baptized this saturday. ahhhhh yeeaaaah. And even cooler she asked me to baptize her.! Dope. So she is getting dunked this saturday at six. So that will be cool. And it was really cool cause i left rostov on the 23. Which if no one knows that was my year mark. Also Dope! And she was the normal irina. But when i got back from the temple/ visa trip i came back and she had her interview and she has changed so much it was kinda scary. But in a good way. So thanks for everyone praying for her and all that good stuff. I know you have been. :) So thanks. So im pretty excited. Alright what else to tell you.
Well yesterday was really sad. I guess with the good comes the bad. One of the elders here got sent home. He was really a cool kid, and it was sad to see him off. President had him stay with me the night before he left and we talked alot. And it reminded me of what happend to me. It was way hard for me and i could see it was way hard for him. We talked for a long time about stuff and he seemed a little better off after we finished. I felt for the kid. It was hard . And it wasnt fun. But i got the kid laughing and we called his parents and told them what was happening. They told him exactly what mom and dad told me when i came home. We still love you. And i almost started bawling when i heard them say that over the phone. Freak im such a baby haha. I guess it just brought back some memories. And i wrote him a letter and gave him the little black Jesus the christ book that brother Nelson gave to me. You guys remember that? Well Bro nelson gave it to me when i was in a bad part of all that stuff i went through. And i knew it would help him like it helped me. i told him what the book meant to me and told him to take care of it and pass it on to someone that could use it after he is done with it. It was way hard giving him the book. But i know he needed more than i did. Ya so that was a rough night. Then we woke up at 4 this morning and got him to the airport. i hope he makes it back.
ya sad crap. but oh well, stuff happens and we cant judge anyone. Thats what i guess i learned from this experience. cause we all have been stupid in life and we all deserve a couple chances. Maybe even 3 or 35. God loves us. thats all that matters. Ya anyways so im glad i could help the dude though. I guess i went through all of that crap for a reason. Weird how everything works out like that huh? ya. Well I love all of you. I better get going. Everyone be good and dont die i like it when your alive. haha
Well im out home dizzle.
Drive fast and take chances.
here are some pics from the temple and another pic at the end is of the main street here in rostov. where i contact. Pretty dope if i do say so myself :)
Well enjoy!
Elder Big D Wright

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Hey guys so anyways im in a not wanting to write mood haha. So this one will be short and sweet. Alright so this week was a little bit better than last week. irina #1 has turned back around and she is doing great. she has even been bringing her son to lessons. we had two lessons this week pretty cool. and her son is training to be a veteranarian or however you spell it. Not important. :) anyways so he is pretty cool. So we have re set a baptismal date for the 24th. She just needs to get work off. gee things are hard when your trying to get someone baptised. Ya anyways but we have a baptsim today. Her name is Galina. The elder from an area called zapadny is doing the whole deal. it will be cool. Me and my comp spent a hour last night cleaning the baptismal font. it was way gross cause i found out that the little kids found out how to get in there. so there was little kid foot prints all over haha. prettty funny actually cause if i was little i would have done the exact same thing. :) Anyways so Galina is way cool and im glad the elders found her cause she is way awesome. At family night last week she told me that i dont have an american accent. She said my accent is ukranian. So that was a big pride booster hahaha jk no but i guess my Russian is progressing. Hopefully ill get the full Russian accent. its way hard. Hopefully by the end of this crazy thing called a mission ill be 100 percent russian. haha. Ya so that was pretty cool of her. But last night i got a call from an old investigator and his wife and we went walking with them in the park and talked about life and how everything is going. and he is interested in talking to us again. So hopefully everything with him goes well. His real name is alaeg but americans never can say it right so he goes by alex. pretty funny :) But last night was way fun. And i love being here at night, especially since its getting darker and darker every week. I guess im a night owl. ya but this week was sister prices b day. She is int he office with us. Her and her husband are the senior couple here. We went and bought her a dozen white and pink roses and put them on her desk. She loved it. She is such a sweet lady just like grandma bell and wright. She pretty much feels like my grandma cause she takes care of us so well. She is always bringing us juice or a treat. haha. so we made sure to take care of her on her b day. i think i sent you guys a picture of them last week. ya but anyways that was this week. Just the office work, some stress and a b day party :) pretty alright i guess.
Oh so i have another visa trip this week to ukrain this time im going to the kiev temple cause my visa got all messsed up i guess. So ill be in kiev from saturday to tuesday. So im not sure when ill be able to write you guys next. So just know im not dead or something :) Ill take some cool pics for ya. Anyways ill get outa here. i have to go pay our utillities. fun fun fun. hahah
love you all have a good week
Drive fast and take chances.
The pic is me with Irina #1. She is pretty bomb :)

Elder Big D Wright

Saturday, September 10, 2011

You know your in Russia when?

Your investigator with a baptismal date turns out to be a creepy cat lady that hates people. haha
K well shoot this isnt going to be the biggest email but it will be a good one :) hahah well i hope so. This week has been way stressfull and im not diggin it! The office has been crazy and we have been having big troubles here in our mission. Troubles from big payments being made all the way to sisters loosing passports! See i am set in concrete that sisters are blisters. haha but we got it taken care of. Wow but it was nuts trying to do it all.
Anyways now that i kinda gave you a taste of my creepy cat lady investigator ill tell you about her. Well irina #2 she turns out to be a crazy lady. she wont be-freind anyone in the branch. and every time she gets around a woman she gets way defensive and angry. But when she talks to americans she is totally fine. Im so glad that we found all of this out before we baptized her. So we are meeting with her today pretty much to tell her that we wont ever baptise her uless she changes dramatically. So hopefully we just dont offend her and have her tate us.But im glad we found this all out before.
And on to irina #1. She is giving us a scare right now cause she said something in our last meeting that told me she shouldnt be baptised. I aksed her if she would still like to be baptised and she said yes. But! she said ya but after im baptised and we stop meeting ill get bored. and if i get bored ill just leave. sorry guys but ill leave. so im pretty sure she wont be getting baptised either. :(
This week has been way rough for me and i am just wondering why this is all happening. These two ladies were awesome! One taught a lesson on the street to a guy. And the other has just been an awesome investigator. But whatever i guess. I came to Russia i guess thats how things role around here. So i have been loosing hair alot lately between investigators  going crazy and between accounting problems in the office. so ya. Ill make it though. I knew when i accepted to come back to russia i knew i wasnt going to have 4 baptisms a week like Elders down in south america. I knew it was going to be hard. But i guess i like to do harder things cause doing hard things shows us who we are i guess. So ya life is good. God is good. Im just so glad that he knows what im going through. He loves all of us. He wants us to succeed in whatever we do. But he wants us to learn how to become what he wants us to be even more. So i guess thats why he gives us trials. He is just dippin me in the fiery furnace testing how tough i am. So hopefully i fit the mold.
But i guess the week wasnt as bad as it sounds. We did have  lesson with a member. Their son is on a mission in the moscow west mission. And their son just met steven seigal! How dope is that. they showed me a pic and everything. :) so that was a nice time. they fed us and everything :) that was cool. And we also went over to the senior couples house just to chill and have dinner. Sister price found out my comp and I were having a way rough week so she invited us over and put a smile back on our faces. I love those guys. Im pretty sure God knew what he was doing when he sent them to the office in rostov russia. So we had a good time. They shared stories about when they were serving in Novasebirsk Russia. They were the first mission presidents in russia. pretty cool eh :) so he told us stories of spies and russian police and of problems with the government and told us how everything worked back then. He has some very cool stories. and they made me want to be a spy ahaha. so cool :) anyways all in all they are the bomb and they made me feel alot better.
So ya thats about it. Other than the weather is getting cold and i saw my breath last night on the street. funny huh? anyways i hope next week is an improvement from this week. Thanks for praying for me. I sure need it. I love you all :)
drive fast and take chances.

Elder Big D Wright

Monday, September 5, 2011

The office life

Well shoot
This week was pretty nuts! I'm not to sure where to start. Well ill just start i guess then. Well, this week has been so crazy i swear i have had 0 time to do anything or complete anything. I have just been running around like a chicken with its head cut off! Its now september so i have been busy with financial reports and the new office couple dont really know how to run computers very well so i have been helping them with their reports going in to. So this week has just been nuts trying to get everthing done and faxed to Moscow. haha crazy crazy. But i did one cool thing this week! I got to call Salt lake and tell them to fix the church programs cause they were all off-line. So i was calling expecting to call and talk to an american right and actually be able to explain the problem 100 % effectively you know? But then i call salt lake and the call directing machine was all in Russian. Then i pressed the right extention number and it put me in touch with computer tech. and all of a sudden this Russian dude just starts talking a million miles an hour in Russian! I was like " aaahhh man come on!" So i started talking to him and tried to explain it all in russian as best as i could. But then i got a bright idea. This dude works for the church in slc so i asked him in russian  > can you speak engilsh? and he was like of course! WHEWHHH ahha im glad cause Dallin and technical computer terms in russian dont mix. haha he laughed pretty good but eventually we got the computers up and running again and i got to finish my work :)
Ya but but the rest of the week for missionary work was crazy. Irina #1 she asked if we could do her baptism the  17th. so we moved her b date to the 17th. as for the other Irina she is still on for the 17th. so we will have a double baptism saturday and i think one of the other elders have a baptism the same day so we will combine all of them together. That will be way cool. Hopefully everthing turns out well. But the other day i think thursday Irina #2 the older lady was walking us to a bus stop after a meeting and a dude stoped us and asked what the heck is a mormon. So i started talking but Irina cut me off and taught the dude for like 10 minutes and answered all his questions. It was bomb! I was way impressed cause she knows alot more than i thought she did. haha it was awesome! So dope. So she is pretty solid. Im way excited for her.
Nothing else really happened this week that i need to share with you. Everything is going well. My back is back to normal finally. It only took 2 weeks :S Oh well :) its all good now. Thanks for all the emails!!!
Love all of you
Drive fast and take chances.

Elder Big D Wright

Sunrise outside of our apt.

A drunks car in a huge hole bahhaaha. Russian rodes :)
A huge russian doll set Elder nancollas bought. kinda cool